let's chat.
To keeps things organized please select an option below or if you prefer, email Natalie directly at natalie@nataliejaebailey.com.
To keeps things organized please select an option below or if you prefer, email Natalie directly at natalie@nataliejaebailey.com.
For the fourth year in a row, Natalie leads a top coaching team in her Network and is incredibly passionate about connecting with other women and helping them replicate the success, passion, and freedom she has found through this opportunity of sharing your story and inspiring others.
To apply and get 1:1 mentoring from Natalie and get plugged into ALL her resources for success, apply HERE and she will happily contact you within 24 hours!
You can make Natalie your free coach by clicking HERE . By doing this, you are staying connected to Natalie & gaining all of the promotions and new launch details FIRST HAND with the rest of her Misfit Tribe.
If you’re ready to dive in and get 1:1 fitness and health mentoring from Natalie, you should fill out this application so she can connect with you directly about your goals to see which path will make most sense to you and ultimately lead you to the success you dream of!
𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐨𝐠 𝐥𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐝 recently and it feels so damn good.
The transition to motherhood is slow. So slow that I didn’t really know what was happening at the time. I’d recognize things as they came, like the fear of my body not capable of being strong again after a C section or the lack of sleep that comes with these sweet little creatures. Or even how I’d call my best friend bawling in those first few months …
Man, do I feel better! Idk what my deal has been this year, but I am finding that I have been yo yoing more than I care to admit. I was getting really REALLY comfortable in the lax lifestyle and honestly, it did nothing but reflect in every other area of my life! I by NO means have gained my 30 pounds of weight back, but I’ve been hovering over the…….
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I am SO excited for the launch of our newest program - #mbf- Muscle Burns Fat! And the most exciting part… it’s really two programs in one - #mbfa (Muscle Burns Fat Advanced) is designed to be completed right after! I cannot wait for 6 full weeks of new workouts!